After several years of searching for a unique greenhouse to fit into his planned garden, our client in Virginia chose Alitex. Located within a farm setting, the structure has not only provided the perfect growing environment, but it has exceeded our client’s expectations!
Project Overview
Why Did You Choose Alitex?
I own a large property management company, and am told I am very particular and have an eye for detail. I also appreciate fine quality and want things that are built to last at a fair price. Alitex met all of those criteria.
What Appealed to You About Choosing a White Color for the Glasshouse Frame?
We live in a farm setting, where our home and all the accessory buildings are a traditional white color. The Carolina ‘Savannah Gray’ brick used throughout our setting also has highlights of white color, which blends perfectly with our classic white Alitex greenhouse.
What is Your Favorite Thing About the Glasshouse?
How can I pick just one feature?! Obviously the structure itself is absolutely beautiful. Personally, I appreciate the build and materials quality – knowing that the aluminum, glass and stainless-steel components will last forever. But probably the best feature is the joy it brings me just being around it and working inside.
What Was the First Thing You Put in Your Alitex?
On the very first day after the greenhouse was completed and before I had a chance to use it, my son had already started some seedlings and repotted several plants! My first additions were some daylilies that I divided, and some raspberry canes which were to be transplanted.
What Are You Growing at the Moment?
The greenhouse is primarily for seed starting, so we have planted vegetables and perennials for a garden expansion. I am also using it to stage numerous potted shrubs and perennials before planting.
What Grows Well in Your Alitex Greenhouse?
We are primarily focused on vegetable and herb production, so basil plants from seed for future pesto, Roma and San Marzano tomatoes for tomato sauce, and lots of lettuce and salad vegetables.
Is There Anything Unusual About Your Structure?
Our vegetable, herb and fruit gardens are designed to minimize a reliance on fossil fuels. Naturally our greenhouse needed to do the same, and not be dependent on lots of electricity and fuel to keep it either warm or cool. For guidance, I looked to the Victorians who maintained their greenhouses before electricity, and included passive solar features of a long, narrow, south-facing greenhouse with integral north and gable-end masonry walls (to retain heat during the winter). The Bayliss-controlled vents, which Alitex include as a standard feature in their greenhouses, are perfect for ventilation to release heat, along with the external shade cloths pulled down during the summer. Unfortunately, I had a very precise location within which the greenhouse had to be fitted – but it was no problem for the Alitex engineers who flawlessly designed the structure to fit the space and the Alitex installers who made it look easy.
How Has Your Greenhouse Changed the Dynamic of Your Garden?
Even though it has been newly installed, my Alitex greenhouse has become the focal point of the garden. Ironically, instead of noticing the beautiful plantings in the garden, the attention of my guests is now drawn towards the greenhouse!