Alitex Installer re-glazing greenhouse



Even items built to last a lifetime need occasional care. From a comprehensive clean to adding new accessories to optimize your growing potential, our Customer Service Team is here to assist.

Add new accessories

It’s often said that living in something is the best way to truly understand how you’ll use it, and we couldn’t agree more when it comes to an Alitex greenhouse.

After a season of growing, you might discover the need for a few new accessories to fully unlock your growing potential. Whether it’s additional benching, strawberry boards, or cold frames to maximize your yields, or shading, lighting, and heating solutions to navigate through different seasons, our Accessories shop offers a perfect array of greenhouse fittings to explore. It’s never too late to enhance your greenhouse experience!

Cleaning service

The cornerstone of greenhouse maintenance lies in keeping it clean and orderly. It’s essential that anything newly introduced into your greenhouse is clean, and if feasible, sterilized—especially when dealing with soil or compost.


Re-glazing your Alitex Greenhouse

We are constantly evolving our products, and for those greenhouses built before 1996, you have the option to opt for a re-glaze. We replaced putty, which can dry and crack, leading to leaks, with a foam inseal. Additionally, we upgraded from 3mm horticultural glass to 4mm toughened safety glass.

A re-glaze involves meticulously cleaning out the old putty. Then, depending on your choice, we either refit your existing glass or install new toughened glass panes.

Servicing & Repairs

We hope that your greenhouse requires minimal servicing, but as with many things, the parts that get most used may need replacing at some point. We stock a full range of spare parts and can provide instructions for you to fit them yourself.

  • The plastic capping used in older models has been completely replaced with aluminum, and we can retrofit this to your greenhouse if needed. Additionally, if your original Alitex greenhouse did not include cresting, we can visit to discuss adding this classic feature.
  • We’ve also updated our doors to be entirely made from aluminum, eliminating fiberglass doors.
  • Should you move house or decide to redesign your garden, we offer the option to quote for dismantling your structure and reinstalling it in its new location, allowing you to take your greenhouse with you if you move.